Assets and Corporations
Since the start up of the VentoNovo Initiative in the beginning of 2005, a number of new business ventures have been successfully created, including two fast growing Corporations, one established in 2006, one in 2009, and several brands, patents and registered domain names.
VentoNovo®, EnerGentes®, EcoDanaio®, EnerPrima®, VentoNovo Energie®, eeNovations® and EnerFlus® are Trademarks that have been REGISTERED together with their respective taglines | Il salvadanaio energetico EcoDanaio® is covered by two industrial patents.
All these Corporations, trademarks, patents and their respective domain internet names, logos, images and taglines have been created and registered by Antonio C. Vertucci, who is the sole owner, and are Copyrighted and protected by intellectual property legal rights.
Antonio C. Vertucci is also the Sole Owner and Administrator of both the VentoNovo Initiative and the two operating Corporations created within the VentoNovo Initiative.
paroleChiave: Aerogeneratori | Biomasse | Cliente finale | Cliente idoneo | Cogenerazione Alto rendimento | Eco-Efficiency | Efficienza Energetica | Eco-Label | eeNovations® | EnerFlus® | Energia attiva | Energia sostenibile | Energy efficiency Revolution | Energy innovation | Eolico | Fonti energetiche Rinnovabili | Fotovoltaico | Geotermico | Green energy | Green power technologies | mini-Idroelettrico | MW | Pannelli solari | Smart Technology | TEP | EnerGentes® l’energia del risparmio | Risparmio Energetico | EcoDanaio® il risparmio utile a te e all’ambiente | TeraWattora (TWh) | EnerPrima® | Watt | MegaWatt (MW) | Wind Energy | VentoNovo Energie® | Smart Green Innovations.
Exclusive VentoNovo® photographs published on this website are Copyright © 2005-2024 Antonio C. Vertucci, who is the sole proprietor of the exclusive rights of their economic use.
All reproduction, even partial in any form whatsoever, is strictly forbidden.